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  • Writer's pictureSensoryToysForAutism

Weighted Compression Vests

For children with processing disorders, ADHD, or autism, finding tools that provide comfort and support is crucial. The Special Supplies Weighted Sensory Compression Vest is designed specifically to meet the needs of children facing sensory challenges. This vest offers a combination of sensory input and deep pressure stimulation, promoting a sense of calm and focus.

Deep pressure stimulation is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system. The Special Supplies Weighted Sensory Compression Vest provides gentle and evenly distributed pressure to the body, giving children a sense of security and grounding.

The vest's adjustable weights allow for customization, ensuring an optimal fit and the right amount of sensory input for each child's specific needs. The deep pressure stimulation helps promote self-regulation and can aid in reducing anxiety and sensory overload.

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